Offices throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, China and Trustwave is headquartered in Chicago with Thousands of organizations-ranging from Fortune 500 businesses and largeįinancial institutions to small and medium-sized retailers-manageĬompliance and secure their network infrastructure, data communications andĬritical information assets.
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Software and other proprietary security solutions. Solutions that include its flagship TrustKeeper compliance management Organizations faced with today's challenging data security and complianceĮnvironment, Trustwave provides a unique approach with comprehensive Solutions to businesses and government entities throughout the world.
Information security and payment card industry compliance management Trustwave is the leading provider of on-demand and subscription-based It is recommended toĠ7/22/13 - Vulnerability disclosed to vendor The vendor released a fix for this vulnerability. XSS exploitation of McAfee SuperScan 4.0 can be automated with the +ADw-img src=x onerror='a setter=alert,a="UTF-7-XSS" '+AD4. The injectable payload (partially UTF-7 encoded without parenthesis): Generated port scan report, through a specially crafted server response. It is possible to inject UTF-7 encoded XSS payload to the SuperScan 4.0 *****Credit: Piotr Duszynski of Trustwave SpiderLabs
SuperScan 4 is a Windows port scanning tool used as a TCP port scanner,įinding 1: Cross-Side Scripting Vulnerability
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Change Mirror Download Trustwave SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2013-024:Ĭross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in McAfee Superscan 4.0